Thursday, May 23, 2013

Meet Georg Freese

Georg Freese has traveled and lived in Europe, South America and the United States, meeting and learning from many people from different cultures.
His narrative is immediate and breathtaking, ushering the reader to witness turn of events rather than read about them, evoking the sensations of film rather than text.
The characters of his stories are flawed by excellence, daring to explore human delusion and weakness, the dark side of the heart, in worlds where nobility is a faint light extinguished by jealousy and greed.
Historical Fiction and Fantasy are his inherent realms, though at times he has boarded space crafts to take him to constellations afar where man meets cultures incomprehensible and creatures bizarre.
Regardless, the theme of his works invariably pertains to the tragedy of human nature and the irony of circumstances, honoring always the old proverb, "adversity reveals the true character of an individual."

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