THE DANCING BOY, A Treat Mikkelson mystery, will be released by Oak Tree Press in early March, 2014. Watch for it.
One of my first memories is of me, age five, sitting in the hallway of my grandparent's apartment in Helena, Montana, staring at the hundreds of books in the glass-fronted lawyers' bookcases that lined the entry. Twain, Voltaire, Kipling, Shakespeare, de Maupassant and so many others. I was fascinated then, and have earned my living by pursuing that fascination.
I'm a graduate of the University of Washington School of Journalism. A former ad agency copywriter, creative director,film and video writer and producer.
I'm the author of The Diamond Tree, Takeshi's Choice, Emily and the Elixir of Happiness, Bareback Rider, humor articles published in Cynic Magazine and various short stories, including "GATO," available in Short Story America's 2014 anthology of prize-winning short stories, and a whole bunch of other stuff that will never see the light of day. (Nor should it. Being a good writer, I've discovered, means knowing when something is good enough to publish and when it isn't. Burying the bad stuff is a kindness.)
I'm currently living and writing in Mexico.
The Diamond Tree, a great children's read and for those who read to children, is also available as an ebook at: