Kai, the eldest and only son and heir to the family’s clan, has fallen
for the forbidden, Romy, a human. His father has plans for the clan that
doesn’t involve Kai mating a human; these plans drive them apart. But can they
ignore their feelings and buck tradition? Will Kai’s decision lead to his
Kai pulled her into a tight
hug. He tried to ignore the way his skin was crawling – he hated the way he
felt before he changed. “I don’t want to live without you.”
Romy held onto him, clutching
his shirt, her tears staining it. “Compared to you, I don’t have much longer to
live. Maybe 40, 50 years at the most, and you … your kind live for a couple
hundred. We’d have to say good-bye eventually. Maybe it’s better to do it now.”
Romy knew that her voice wasn’t very convincing, but she tried to be brave and
hold back the tears as much she could.
Kai swallowed, burying his nose
in her hair. He took in her unique scent…the scent he would go to his grave
craving. “I will follow you to the next life. We never really talked about it,
but … Romy, I love you. I consider you
my mate. Mates die together.”
His words took away any bravery
that Romy had left. She felt the tears flow openly from her eyes. “But I’m not
your mate. I can never be. You need …” Romy took in a shuddering breath. “You
need to honor your father and produce an heir. Your clan needs you; they will
need you long after I’m gone.”
“I don’t care what they need,”
Kai whispered in her ear.
“I know. That’s what makes you
so special.” Romy pulled away so she could look directly into his eyes. “I just
ask one thing.”
“Anything. Anything in the
“Change here. Show me your wolf
Kai’s eyes went wide. “Romy … I
… I don’t turn into a wolf, exactly. I don’t look … natural.”
“You are beautiful to me no
matter what form you take. Give me this one last night. Show me.”
Kai nodded, but there was panic
in his eyes. “If I agree, I have to stay here until morning. I can’t be on the
“I know. I’m not afraid. Show
me that part of you that you’ve never shared with another human before.”
“I won’t be able to talk. It
would just be us staring at each other.”
“I don’t need words. I need
you. Please … one last night. Protect me.”
Kai couldn’t refuse her. Even
though Romy lived in a very safe neighborhood, the animal instinct within him
would protect his mate if she asked. “Okay. I will change here. I will show you
the other part of me.”
Romy stepped back, wiping away
the tears that had fallen from her eyes. She looked up at the clock. “It’s
almost moonrise. What do you need?” She closed the blinds and dimmed the
“Nothing really. I just need to
take my clothes off…unless I want to rip them to shreds.”
“Allow me?” Romy stood in front
of him and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Kai remained still, silently noting
that this moment would be extremely erotic if he wasn’t about to literally
crawl out of his skin. She tossed his shirt on the couch, then kneeled down to
his feet, helping him step out of his shoes and socks. Her shaking hands went
to his belt next, sliding off his jeans, then his underwear.
“What’s next?”
Kai was having trouble
concentrating. He tried to find his voice. Already he could feel bones crack as
they started to lengthen in places and shorten in others. “Nothing … it’s
starting. I … love you.”
He let his head fall back. A
snarl came from his throat as his eyes turned black. Fine black hair sprouted
all over his body, his nose elongated, his canines erupted. His heels separated
from his feet, drawing upwards toward his knees, forcing him on his tiptoes,
his palms lengthening, his nails turning to claws. Then it was over. He looked
over at Romy, expecting to see horror in her eyes. To his surprise, she came to
stand right in front of him, resting her hands on his mutated face.
“You are so beautiful. Why did
you think I’d be frightened? I’m more concerned that it was painful for you.”
Kai shook his head, to tell her
that it wasn’t as painful as it looked. He began to nuzzle her neck, but she
jumped. He started to back away.
Romy grabbed at him. “No you
don’t! Your nose is cold and wet. It’s just not something I’m used to feeling
on my neck.” She smiled at him. It was a genuine smile, even with the tear
tracks on her face. He tentatively moved toward her and let his tongue lick her
face, tasting the salty tears.
“Come here, sit next to me.”
Romy sat down on the couch, drawing her legs up underneath her. Kai ambled
forward, unsteady on his legs so soon after the change. He crawled up on the
couch and laid his head in her lap. She started to run her fingers through his
fur, trying to comfort him. No other had been able to do to this to him.
Whenever he changed, he was surrounded by other weres. He knew that he would cherish this perfect
moment for the rest of his living days.
They lay together on the couch, surrounded by their love for
one another. When bedtime came around, they nestled in her bed, with his large
form wrapped around her, protecting her just like he promised.
About the Author

Her first novel, “The Last of
the Summer Tomatoes,” a Young Adult LGBT novel, was nominated for a 2013
Rainbow Award, run by Elisa Rolle and co-sponsored by the Rainbow Romance
Writers of America. Her first short story, “Twenty-Four Hours,” a contemporary
m/f romance story, was nominated as best short story by eFestival of Words
Virtual Book Fair, host of the 2013 Best of the Independent eBook Awards.
Her works have also been
nominated for various bloggers’ book of the month awards.
Ms. Henry writes in a variety
of genres, including paranormal and contemporary, concentrating on romance
between main characters, regardless of gender. Love comes in all forms and that
is reflected in her work.
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Lazy Beagle Entertainment: http://www.lazybeagleentertainment.com/sherrie-henry.htmlWebsite: http://www.sherriehenry.com
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/sherriehenry
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AuthorSHenry
Blog: http://sherriehenry.blogspot.com/
Manic Readers: http://www.manicreaders.com/SherrieHenry/
Lazy Beagle Entertainment: http://www.lazybeagleentertainment.com/sherrie-henry.htmlWebsite: http://www.sherriehenry.com