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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Author Carmen Stefanescu is an English teacher; she lives in Romania, better known as Dracula's country. Romania is one of the former communist countries in East Europe.
DECEMBER 4th 2012
Has destiny other plans for Anne?
Why, then, do the two lovers lose their way and have to spend
the night in an odd forest? Whose is the human skeleton they find and why does
the bejeweled cross laying under the bones trigger a strong feeling of
apprehension in Anne? Is there a connection between the strange women who haunt
Anne’s dreams and the ruins of a large building the two lovers come upon, deep
in the forest? What is it that these ghostly apparitions want from her
Why, then, do the two lovers lose their way and have to spend the night in an odd forest? Whose is the human skeleton they find and why does the bejeweled cross laying under the bones trigger a strong feeling of apprehension in Anne? Is there a connection between the strange women who haunt Anne’s dreams and the ruins of a large building the two lovers come upon, deep in the forest? What is it that these ghostly apparitions want from her
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Forever Young The Beginning
Unlike any vampire story you have ever read………..
Gerald Simpkin's Forever Young The Beginning
author bio: Now retired, I had a lifelong career in telecommunications. I have a love of the written word and have
always admired those who can skillfully express feelings and events in writing.
My novel 'Forever Young The Beginning'
is my first attempt at fiction. It is
set in Europe in the mid-18th century. I
also wrote a book about Bible Codes in 1998 which is titled 'Secrets of the
YOU CAN FIND GERALD and Forever Young The Beginning at .....
Purchase link: http://www.amazon.com/Forever-Young-The-Beginning-ebook/dp/B008PKQH3Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1344894396&sr=1-1&keywords=forever+young+the+beginning...
Website / Blog: http://www.amazon.com/Gerald-Simpkins/e/B008RBHLJC
Facebook: gerry.simpkins.9@facebook.com
Twitter: geraldsimpkins@GeraldSimpkins
Book Synopsis: A 23 year old Scottish seaman/apprentice trader (Ian McCloud)
is on a ship in the Mediterranean and they are attacked by Moroccan pirates in
two ships. After a pitched battle at
sea, they prevail and are surprised to learn that they have inadvertently
rescued two captive Spanish girls being taken to Morocco. After several days of sailing towards Spain,
Ian and the 17 year old Alandra are both falling in love. The prize ship Ian is piloting is separated
from his uncle’s ship by a terrific storm, and Ian ends up in Marseille, France
with eight of his shipmates.
There he has a ferocious life or death
fight in an infamous tavern and inn, the result of which is that he is targeted
to be killed. Instead, he is infected by
a vampire and is saved by another one who witnessed the attack. After learning that he is no longer human, he
has some serious soul-searching to do and realizes that his former life is lost
to him.
I am sure that this next part is new to
vampire fans and is unique to my book only.
He learns that for his own good, he has to undergo a rigorous imprinting phase as his body changes
into the creature he will become. The
tolerances he imprints will be with
him for eternity. Successful completion
of imprinting requires a great deal of pain, but the result is that the convert
becomes an Adept vampire; one who can
freely mingle with human society day or night, eat their food, work with them
side by side and be undetected. The most
painful part of the imprinting process is the blood fast during which no blood may be consumed in order to
forever develop a tolerance for doing without it for periods of time. Male vampires must make love while imprinting
or lose their libido forever, which makes for an interesting dilemma for Ian. His mentors do not consume human blood and
really, Adepts mostly do not. After all, blood is hemoglobin, saline
protein, and other things no matter what kind of blood it is. Non-mentored rogue vampires do prey on humans
in the cities of Europe and elsewhere in my story.
The remainder of the book is a mix of his
warm new friendships, including some with children; tender romantic interludes,
a love triangle involving a human woman, some horrific and sorrowful events, eye-popping
fighting against rogue vampires, and being pursued by various enemies he has
made during his sometimes turbulent journey.
He is called to testify before the Supreme
Council, a group of nine powerful vampires who monitor vampire related
events throughout Europe with an eye toward keeping the existence of vampires a
secret from humanity in general.
Ian is schooled by a wise mentor in how to
approach and recruit young to middle aged officials in order to have their
services for the balance of their careers in government. One such recruit is tracked throughout the
story in order to show the intricacy and far reaching magnitude of Ian’s
mentor’s program.
His wealth is grown over the years by
means of inside information from his mentor and from members of the Supreme Council. He is taught how to make a generational
change of identity and how to conceal his true wealth in anonymous interlocking
trusts in various countries as a necessary part of being an immortal and
remaining undetected, yet increasing his holdings in order to live the life of
an Adept Prince among vampires; but
his heart sometimes longs for the simpler life he knew when he first fell in
love with Alandra. Tortured by his fear
of her reaction to what he has become, he resolutely goes about the business of
his mentor and his adopted family, and lives the life that fate has dealt him. Fate is a fickle mistress however as Ian
Being that I had only a little exposure to
vampire literature and movies, I have written what I believe is a completely
original take on the subject. The love
scenes are tenderly done with no sexually explicit content, and if ‘Forever Young The Beginning’ was a
miniseries on TV, it could be rated PG13 excepting for the violent and brutally
gruesome fighting scenes. No vulgar
language is used and the tiny amount of profanity that occurs is only as an
exclamation of extreme anger now and then.
Laughter and surprises are liberally sprinkled throughout my story, and
I guarantee that you will love the ending.
How did you come up with the title? Vampires live forever
and if they are converted when young, then they will be ‘Forever Young’. Since this is the foundational story for a
series, it is titled ‘Forever Young The Beginning’. I plan to have it available on Barnes &
Noble/Nook soon.
What inspired you to write this book? I think it was that
what little I had seen in movies regarding the subject seemed to fall short of
what such a genre could really be. I did
read Ann Rice’s book about the vampire Lestat, and I thought that it seemed
depressing. It seemed to me that such a
subject should be exciting, adventurous and romantic as well as dreadful. Since my vampires are extreme creatures with
extreme abilities, I thought it reasonable that extremes of happiness and
sorrow, of love and hate, of warm friendships and rage were all to be included
in a well-crafted vampire story. I
wanted to avoid some of the stereotypes that I have seen, while preserving
others that seem more worthy and not too corny.
In my story, there
is a scene where Ian is learning of a theory which his mentors have concerning
the origin of vampires. They tie their
origin to the 6th chapter of Genesis in the Bible and there is a
discussion of that in relation to vampires that takes place one evening in the
chateau of his mentors while human guests are present. I doubt that has ever been used in any
vampire story, but my exposure to such stories is limited.
How are your story ideas born? For the most part, they
literally come to me as I am writing, although I sometimes think of something
when not writing. The story is always
lurking in my mind no matter what else I am doing on any given day when I am in
the process of writing. I recently
learned of a spy ring that George Washington is credited with starting during
the revolutionary war and I have resolved to incorporate that into my next
What is your
writing process? Few notes, but long hours at the keyboard.
I sometimes do 12 hour stretches with only a few breaks. When I am at an impasse, I quit and take a
note pad and literally make a map or diagram of where the story might go
next. That will happen in the basement
den as I watch a show or two that I have recorded. I will make a stick drawing and I will follow
maybe three or four branches and note several events on each path as they occur
to me. After looking at all of them for
a while, I will begin to get ideas so fast that I can barely write them
down. I am usually ready to get back to
it the following day. At least that is
how it was when I wrote ‘Forever Young The Beginning’. I
do make up a word document and add each character to it so as to never confuse
one with another while writing. I will
refer to it now and then. Even so, I had
to correct a few places in my book where I had inadvertently put one character’s
name in place of another. Their names
were similar, so that contributed to the problem. That is a good thing for anyone to avoid in
their writing process. I always keep
my manuscript’s latest version on three separate flash drives as well as under
duplicate files in ‘My Documents’. Ditto
for cover art and cast of characters.
What’s your favorite part of the
writing process? I absolutely love it when I suddenly get an idea for something and then I
have to search for a way to integrate it into the story. I am consumed until I find the perfect place
to spring it on the reader. My thoughts
race as I weigh this new event and whether or not it is plausible given the
content of the story up to that time. If
it is in the future somewhere, I cannot wait to get the text there so I can fit
it in! Sometimes then I will backtrack
and adjust the text if needed to support this new idea. Then the best part of it all is to find the
proper words to convey the emotions felt
by the characters in that instant. I
often search for some way to highlight that instant, and to freeze that frame
briefly in the reader’s mind. It might
be the sound of the wind in the treetops or the sound of surf crashing in the
distance or something of that sort that in the real world, any of us would
remember later in recalling such an event from our memory of it. Sometimes I end a chapter right when it
happens or is revealed, and the next chapter opens with other characters in the
story somewhere else doing whatever they are doing at that time. I am hoping that the reader is in a state of
shocked surprise at that instant. Yet
other times the conclusion of such an event is uproarious laughter by all characters
How long did it take to write your
latest release? ‘Forever
Young The Beginning’ took me around
three months to write and then it took me three more months to edit and publish
it, including doing my own cover art.
Did you hire an editor to review your
manuscript before publishing? No. I did go through
the entire book eleven times cutting some 20,000 words from it, catching typos,
punctuation errors, etc. I did add in
some extra villains with scores to settle.
That was for the next book.
What are the future plans for you and
this book? This
is to be the foundation for an open-ended series that will span the time from
before the American Revolutionary War to modern times. The sequel will center on the Revolutionary War
itself and the behind the scenes role Adept
vampires play on both sides in the fight for American independence.
Have you published anything else? Yes. I wrote ‘Secrets
of the Bible’ in 1998. It is about
bible codes at equally spaced intervals in the Hebrew canon of scripture and
how they amplify the events in the very verses in which they are found. For instance, in the verse where the bible
says Pharaoh pursued Israel into the Red Sea, it spells ‘stupid’ at equally spaced intervals. Thus the encoded word supports the events
detailed in the text itself, being that the Egyptian army perished there. There are hundreds of such things encoded at
equally spaced intervals in the Hebrew Canon of Scripture.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say
to your readers? Oh my, yes! Thank you for taking a
chance on me. Thank you so very much for
investing your time and money on nothing more than the product of my
imagination. I am both humbled and
grateful. And I am very open and
approachable regarding feedback too, wanting only the very most enjoyable experience
for my readers.
Remember that Forever Young The Beginning is
Unlike any vampire story you have ever read………..
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Wednesday 21st November, for my new novel “Crossing Lines” - the Gabe Quinn Thriller #2 – which follows on from the events described in “Killing Hope”. It’s been a challenge writing the new book from scratch over the last six months in and around work and family life, while maintaining the level of quality and intrigue, plus the plot twists and meaty length seen in the first book. Hopefully, you’ll like what I’ve done!
As always, if you do enjoy it, please consider putting a review on Amazon for me. I know not everyone feels comfortable writing a review, but it doesn’t have to be a lengthy passage – just a couple of lines will do (Amazon request a minimum of 20 different words). So if you can do, thank you! If not, no problem; I understand. You can also leave your review on both amazon.com and amazon.co.uk by logging into each site with your usual details, finding the book’s page and clicking on ‘Write A Customer Review’ down the page. Basically, the more positive reviews I get for my books, the more it enables me to devote more time to writing, which means the sooner I can get more books out to you! Phew!
"Crossing Lines” will go live on all the Amazon sites in the early hours GMT Wednesday – so it should be ready and available Stateside from midnight PST (or not long after) on Tuesday (today) onwards and on Wednesday afternoon for my Australian readers. You’ll be able to download it to your Kindle or your Kindle Apps. Just search for Crossing Lines and enjoy.
Oh, and don’t forget to spread the word!
Thanks for your support, and happy reading!
Best wishes,
Web - www.keithhoughton.com
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Author Page Amazon UK - http://www.amazon.co.uk/l/B005UMEUJA?
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Vicki M. Taylor
Award winning author, Vicki M. Taylor writes dramatic fiction with strong, unforgettable, real women characters involved in real life situations.
Vicki M. Taylor attacks the hard issues and brings them to the forefront with a deftness that outshines most other authors. Her ability to sink her teeth into these headline issues and pull the reader into the story makes her one of the best authors of this new century.
No issue is too controversial for Vicki. Murder, teenage suicide, domestic violence and more, you'll find Vicki M. Taylor's stories not only give you the harsh realities of the character's life but she wraps you up in their private emotional lives as well - daring you to not care, not feel, not read.
She lives in Florida with her husband, their American Eskimo dog, and Sun Conure parrot.
Good Intentions is the tragic story of one woman’s efforts to help a teenage mother. Megan, fourteen and pregnant, needed a mom. Tracy, thirty-nine and already raising a large family, gave her a home. Neither was ready for what happened next.
Tracy Reynolds’ life is not her own. She works the night shift at the hospital and has three boys, two girls and a husband who works the opposite shift along with a menagerie of rescued pets. Somehow, she and her husband, Tim, have made it work with love, faith, and impeccable ethics.
Adding fourteen-year-old Megan and her newborn son to the mix was supposed to be uncomplicated. The adoption agency made it sound so easy. They painted Megan has a good child who had a rough life. She needed love and understanding and the stability of a respectable home and family. Tracy and Tim fit the bill and were fast tracked through the system and before they knew it trouble landed on their doorstep. Megan.
Megan rejected their family values and resisted from every direction when it came to learning how to live within their family dynamics and taking care of her son. She missed her friends and the people she knew when she worked as a prostitute. Despite court orders and her probation officer’s warnings, Megan secretly reconnected with her old friends and lover.
The Reynolds’ family spun out of control. Not one would be untouched by Hurricane Megan’s path of destruction.
Deceptions. Infidelity. Drugs. Child abuse. Cancer. Sexual abuse. Home invasion. The Reynolds’ went through it all. Would their family ever be the same?
Rookie Detective Karen Sykes is out to prove she is good at her job, finding justice for a darkness in her past through law enforcement. She gets her first chance to shine with a case that hits a little too close to home. Like her younger sister, a four-year-old boy, has been brutally murdered. The case pairs her with Mike Connelly, an attractive crime scene technician, and sparks fly between the two of them. Mike resists the attraction and only adds more emotional conflict to the case.
When her partner becomes the latest victim and ends up in the hospital near death, Karen sets out to find the murderer before he hurts anyone else. Only the case gets trickier when the murder suspect ends up dead, leaving new clues to the real killer. Finding comfort in Mike's support, their relationship heats up, but so does the investigation. The killer has a plan. One that involves a Cat and Mouse game of hide and seek inside the hospital, where her partner struggles for his life. Karen discovers it takes more than catching a killer to make the pain of her past go away. It also takes opening her heart and learning to trust in others.
Releases Nov 20, 2012
If you require additional information, please don't hesitate to ask.
Vicki M. Taylor
Life is all about balance, check out My Balanced Life
Real Women. Real Life. Vicki M. Taylor, Author
Friday, November 16, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sarah Buchynski
FROM MUNGAI AND THE GOA CONSTRICTOR Guest Post: To Catch a Reader by Sarah Buchynski Author of
Today, I am supposed to write about something I am passionate about in life. However, what really is passion? I would like to think of it as something in one’s life that brings them great joy. So, what brings me great joy in life? There are many things, but I am going to focus on writing. More specifically, creating a piece of work that others will be entertained when exposed to it. While I am writing, I am thinking of many things at once. How can I write down the ideas that are swimming in my head to convey them to the reader without boring them to death? What would sound better: It was morning and it came fast. The sky was filled with many colours; or: It was now dawn and it had come swiftly. With it came swirls of pink and red clouds. The colours painted a beautiful canvas in the sky. Just for the sake of illustrating a point, the first quote is relatively dull. It does get the information across, but is it entertaining? Will the reader be entranced by the scenario, and does it allow them to “enter” the story? I personally think it would not. The second example has a bit more detail - this detail can help a reader see the story inside their minds as they are reading. For fiction works, I think that it is important to paint a picture inside the reader’s mind. Since I am passionate about entertaining people through my literature, this concept is a priority for me to incorporate into my work. To read more…. CLICK HERE
Sunday, November 4, 2012
THE MAGIC WARBLE and author Victoria Simcox
THE MAGIC WARBLE is a little about the book; it is 267 pgs long with 1-2 pictures per chap. It's listed a middle-grade read, ages 9-13.
Victoria was born in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, to an
Austrian immigrant mother, and a Dutch immigrant father. She now lives in
Western Washington with her husband, Russ and their three children, Toby,
Kristina, and William. Her other family members are a Chihuahua, named Pipsy
and two cats, named Frodo and Fritz. Besides being an author, Victoria is a home-schooling
mother of twelve years and an elementary school art teacher of eleven years. In
her spare time, Victoria enjoys managing her two older children's Celtic band.
She also loves writing, reading, painting watercolors, hiking, good movies, and
just simply hanging out with her family and friends.
For the giveaway 3 ebooks US/international. Giveaway begins here at 4covert2overt on Sunday November 4th and continues until November 11th. Same giveaway will also be posted on The Bridge of deaths at Tumblr. Total giveaway is 3 e-books.
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