Girl meets boy—specifically, knockout senior-paralegal girl Alison Carson meets hotshot Boston lawyer boy Rick Waterman while he is visiting Alison’s beloved hometown of San Francisco on a month-long trial.
Girl and boy fall in love. Boy eventually goes back home and promises to call. Boy doesn’t call. Girl experiences heartbreak, plus an actual physical malady as a result of the affair. Girl then finds out about boy’s other girl back home.
Girl wants revenge. Girl secretly gets revenge, but goes too far with it. Boy’s life is wrecked. Girl then feels guilty.
Boy finally calls girl and apologizes. Boy and girl fall back in love. That is, until boy starts getting suspicious…
Hi, I'm Randi. I hope you like my books. I live in Southern California with my wonderful husband. We are both retired and travel a lot, especially to the east coast. I like to write while sitting in my backyard and enjoying a glass of wine, or to kill the time when on a plane.
I am a bit of a health nut and go running, paddling, or hit the gym almost every day. I try to eat mostly healthy, and buy a lot of organic groceries. Of course, being healthy doesn't help much when somebody who is texting on a smart phone while driving runs over you. Lots of people have those touch-screen smart phones these days, don't they? Come to think of it, maybe I will go out for a burger. I wish you a blessed day.
Randi Hart
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