A Cold Coffee Press Site
I am originally from Mexico City and have lived in a number of places but Florida has been home for a quarter of a century now, and I love it. Hemingway loved it so what’s not to be proud about?
What or who inspired you to become a writer?
My affair with words began at a very early age. As the 6th of 8 kids sandwiched between all the males in the house I had a serious need to communicate. When I was 12 we moved from Mexico City to the Washington D.C. area and I had a HUGE list of pen pals, I know that it was through the art of letter writing that I discovered my passion for the craft.
When did you begin writing with the intention of becoming published?
Okay? Dare I answer? Years ago I went to a psychic who said; I don’t think you realize it yet, but you are a writer. I went home and looked at my boxes of notebooks and journals; I had imagined myself a published writer before that, but that day it felt plausible, real you know.
Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage?
YES and YES! As I said before my very large family made me search for a voice a strong voice and in THE BRIDGE OF DEATHS the strong influence of researching my grandfather’s mysterious death in a 1939 plane crash which is the central storyline.
Do you come up with your title before or after you write the manuscript?
If I do it very often changes, sometimes a story ends up guiding you to a title.
Please introduce your genre and why you prefer to write in that genre?
To be honest I write in a variety of genres. I can tell you that I am not capable of good fantasy or Sci Fi as much as I love reading said genres. But I can KILL and I can LOVE, and turn a story into chick lit, romance, murder mystery. Lately I am toying with one act plays.
What was your inspiration, spark or light bulb moment that inspired you to write the book that you are seeking promotion for?
It was in 1993 when I first held the British Airways LTD. Files in the UK and the archivist RIP to whom I dedicated the book said to me, “Can of worms you are about to open young lady.” I just knew a can of worms always makes for a good story and good book.
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