From DAZ SMITH a New Book on Remote Viewing and much more
Psychic spy veterans from the 23 Year, U.S. Military and Intelligence Remote Viewing programs, share their experiences and expertise. This book is a selection of Remote Viewing based email dialogues from 1997-98 when the internet as a media source was very new. Add to this the emergence of a former Top Secret Psychic espionage program using Remote Viewing, commonly known as The STAR GATE Program, and you have a potent mix of questions excitement and answers. Remote viewers; Joe McMoneagle, Lyn Buchanan, Paul H Smith, Bill Ray, Greg Seward, Gene Lessman and PJ Palyne Gaenir share their knowledge for the first time in public.
“Remote Viewing 9/11” is available now as a two-part video. For information visit
CRV CONTROLLED REMOTE VIEWING is a compilation of papers, manuals & comments to help students of (CRV) or Controlled Remote Viewing, learn this amazing intuitive art. We present from the CIA Star Gate archives and from prominent practitioners of remote viewing for the first time together in one book. First, we include a paper from the father of Remote Viewing and the creator of CRV - Ingo Swann. The document is titled 'Co-ordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) technology 1981-1983, Three year project'. After this we present two differing CRV manuals. The first by Ingo Swann's top CRV student and the only person trained in all CRV stages by Ingo Swann (Tom McNear). This is titled: 'Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages I-VI and Beyond' - 1985. The second, a later manual was created primarily by Paul H. Smith with help from the 'then' team of military Controlled Remote Viewers, titled: ‘The DIA CRV Manual’ – 1986.
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