1. What inspired you to write this particular
I was traveling down the Romantische Strasse in
Germany, (a road dating back to Roman times, hence Romantische) when it occurred to me that it might be fun to play
with the name. The Romantische Strasse is indeed one of the most romantic roads I’ve ever traveled. It is
dotted with charming little fourteenth century towns all of which look like
they came out of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. It occurred to me that I might take the
two meanings of Romantische and blend
them into a story. The thought grew to a young widow, pursued across Germany,
Austria and Hungry by dangerous men, in fear for her life, and falling in love
along the way.
2. Do you
have specific techniques you use to develop the plot and stay on track?
I always write a very detailed synopsis before I
begin writing any book. I plot both internal and external conflicts and try to
delineate crisis points. I divide this synopsis into chapters. Then I start
writing. Now I know this sounds very efficient. If it worked it would be.
Actually once I get into the writing, the book takes on a life of its own, and
my characters simply take over. The final product is often far removed from my
first vision of it.
3. Are your characters in the book based on anyone
you know?
Good grief, if they were, do you think I’d admit
it? There’s that paragraph the publisher inserts at the beginning of every book
about “…people…are products of the author’s imagination”. But of course we all, as authors, draw on
bits and pieces of people we know, or even people we glimpse briefly. The eyes
of a waiter I had in a little taverna in Greece ended up on my hero in The Memory of Roses. The hair of a
well-known conductor became Igor’s hair in Romantic Road. A writer’s mind is a
vast storehouse of trivia.
4. Was there any research involved in your work?
There is always a huge body of on-site research
involved in all my books. Whether it is a wine cave on Lake Balaton in Hungary
or backstage at the opera house in Vienna, you can bet I’ve been there. I’d be
very uncomfortable writing about anyplace I’ve never been. Of course there is
other research than that on setting. Google is a useful tool, but I don’t fully
trust it. I’d rather talk to a paramedic than read about what they do in the
instance of an injury such as Jane’s in Romantic Road.
5.Once a character is fully developed do you set
them free or do they still dance around your mind?
They dance forever. They are so real to me that
even long after the book is in print and I’m three books later, they live in my
mind. A friend said to me once “You have
way too many people in your bed!”
6.What project(s) are you working on now?
I’m working on the final draft of new book, Where Lemons Bloom, placed on Italy’s
gorgeous Amalfi Coast, one of my favorite destinations in Europe. A romantic
suspense in which a brief encounter with a mysterious Italian pulls a
naive art historian into a world of dangerous secrets.
7 Where can readers find you and your book(s)
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