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Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
VISIT michaelthal.com~author-events
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The Legend of Koolura
Koolura has every child’s dream. She has the COOL.
Click here and download. It’s FREE
Koolura isn’t an ordinary girl. She has what every child dreams. She has the COOL.
Koolura has doubts about herself. She and her father have relocated so often she has few community ties. Here, at her new school, for the first time in her life she feels right at home.
Koolura is a sixth grade Armenian girl and this story tells how she obtained the cool powers and gradually learns to use them. She has the ability to dematerialize at will and reappear where she chooses. She can move objects with her mind and she can even defy gravity!
But will these powers be of any use in stopping a stalker intent on the destruction of Koolura and her friends? He’s determined to retrieve Koolura’s unrealized cool powers with the mysterious decoolerizer.
The hour approaches for her final confrontation with her nemesis, the stalker believed to be responsible for her mother’s death.
Author Bio
Moving from the frigid Northeast to comfy Southern California in 1973, Michael taught elementary and middle school for 28 years until a freak virus left him deafened at the age of 50. He reinvented himself as a writer composing over 80 published articles in print magazines as well as novels for middle grade and high school aged students.
You can learn more about Michael Thal on his website and blog at www.michaelthal.com. His books can be purchased on Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble in print and as e-books.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Allison Merritt - Her Heart's Desire - Cover Reveal
Historical Romance (Viking)
Date Published: 5/24/2016
One woman's desire will unite enemies and raise heroes.
Weary of battle and loss, Idunna Fundinsdottir has two desires--peace and to hold a child of her own. As a war widow, her one chance at happiness rests in the hands of Eoghann Kentigern, a man who was once her enemy. Despite their differences, she saves the mysterious Saxon from the noose and binds herself to him in marriage. She longs for a child, but the fair Saxon tempts her heart as well.
In a moment of clarity, Eoghann killed his brother in battle to save his long-lost sister, then vowed his fealty to a Norse king. When a plot to murder the king and his family comes to light, to repay his debts, Eoghann takes his family's life in his hands and flees for safety. Forced to return to Suibhne, his childhood home, he faces the choice of becoming the man he wished to be, or remaining the coward who stood in his brother's shadow for too long. To keep Idunna safe and his vows to his king, he must stand and fight or lose everything.
“If you hurt her, I will gut you.”
Eoghann Kentigern swallowed, but held the iron hard stare with his brother-in-law, King Hella Ingvasson. To break it would show cowardice and he didn't mean to reveal his underbelly to the most powerful man in the settlement.
Hella's threat was unnecessary. Hurt Idunna, the woman who had saved his life when she had every reason to hate him?
“You have my word, Your Grace.” His voice wasn't as strong as he would have liked, but even weak, it was better than having no voice at all. Without Idunna's intervention, his head would be rotting on a pike somewhere.
Hella narrowed his eyes and jerked his chin at the curtain separating Idunna Fundinsdottir's room from the hallway. Eoghann's room now too since he'd vowed to protect and honor her a few hours earlier.
He sucked in a breath and pushed the curtain aside. On legs stiff as aged wood, he crossed the floor. Idunna waited for him blank-faced and rigid in a bed piled high with blankets and a shaggy gray wolf pelt. She didn't meet his gaze when he lifted the bridal crown of woven vines. It tangled in her seal brown hair and she flinched as he gave a little tug.
“Forgive me,” he murmured. He didn't need Hella, the king's faithful brothers, nephew, and the other two men tagging along as witnesses to this charade believing he'd harmed her on purpose.
She said nothing as she folded her hands together.
He carried the crown to Hella, then held it out. The king took it with another sharp look, then allowed the curtain to swing into place.
Eoghann's shoulders slumped as the sound of footsteps retreated from the doorway. Norsemen seldom invented an excuse not to attend a celebration. Apparently the queen's traitor brother's wedding claimed the exception as an event few of them could stomach. Aside from Hella, Ealasaid, Erik, Bjorn, their wives and children, the turn out had been abysmal. The shame of marrying a woman only to save his life almost caused Eoghann to flee. Might have, if Hella hadn't been guarding him all day.
He faced Idunna, but his feet froze and dread weighed him down.
They were alone for the first time since he'd come to Solstad. Alone with a woman who couldn't possibly love him because of the slaughter he'd helped bring to the neighboring village of Freysteinn. One of the warriors he'd marched with to slay the vikingrs had killed her first husband. Only a mad man would pretend Idunna could ever forgive him.
In Norse custom, they were supposed to consummate their marriage, which would tie them together as one in the community. The rituals of cleansing steams and baths before the wedding were meant to help them cast off their old lives. No amount of scrubbing or herbs would fix him. Not after what he'd done. He was the reason her first husband—the one she loved—was in the ground.
A love of reading inspired Allison Merritt to pursue her dream of becoming an author who writes historical, paranormal, contemporary, and fantasy romances, often combining the sub-genres. She lives in a small town in the Ozark Mountains with her husband and dogs. It's not unusual to find her lurking in graveyards, wandering historical sites, or listening to ghost stories.
Contact Information
Twitter: http://twitter.com/allison_merritt
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/allisonmwrites/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/allisonmwrites
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Shadows of the Past: VOTE NOW! Annual Bloggers Bash Awards NOW OPEN

Shadows of the Past: VOTE NOW! Annual Bloggers Bash Awards NOW OPEN: This is it. The waiting is finally over. The Bloggers Bash Awards are now open for voting. We had a HUGE number of nominations, ov...
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
INTERVIEWED By GOD ~ A Journey To Freedom by Beth Banning
Book Description:
Interviewed by God is an account of Beth Banning’s journey of spiritual awakening—her conscious connection with God and the lessons she’s learned along the way. From a very young age, Banning experienced phenomena that could only be called extraordinary: she’s received messages from spirit animals, felt kundalini
energy awaken in her, and experienced dimensional shifts in her awareness that have allowed her to witness what only a few have seen. She was visited by totem animals, took ritualistic baths, and visited shamans and healers; she experienced ecstatic states and received messages; her ego mind began to battle against her higher mind. As she experienced her spiritual journey, a small voice within guided her. With doubt as her constant companion she continued to follow her inner promptings, which led her to higher levels of truth about her connection to herself and the world and reality as we know it. Written in a format in which the author is “interviewed by God,” the book is meant to be a mirror for the reader to reflect their own experiences back to them, and a gentle guide for those who are at the precipice of an extraordinary adventure and are either scared to jump or who hunger for answers and understanding.
Author Bio:
Beth Banning is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, and spiritual catalyst who lives in California with her husband, their cat, and their six pound poodle. She was born in New York City and from a very young age could sense the feelings of people around her, felt kundalini energy running through her body, and experienced other unusual events that she didn't understand. The well-meaning adults in her life told her she was depressed and that these experiences were just her imagination. Growing up in this cloud of ignorance and disbelief, these gifts were buried and unable to flourish and so she was left confused and lonely.
As a young adult she recognized the same sense of confusion and loneliness in others and became passionate about helping people better understand themselves and those around them. Later in life she took this passion into her work with her husband Neill and co-founded Focused Attention, Inc. She has written numerous books, co-created the Pathway to Personal Freedom, and the Art of Conscious Connection Seminar Series.
After many years of integrating this consciousness shifting work into her own life and teaching it to others, she experienced a profound reconnection with God that turned her life upside down. This radically changed the way she perceives the world and functions in it. Beth now lives her life guided by her inner source of divine wisdom. She is committed to helping others discover this for themselves and fully experience the essence of who they truly are.
Author Links -
Website: www.BethBanning.com
Blog: bethbanning.com/blog
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BethBanning
Twitter: @BethBanning
Pinterest: bethbbanning
Linkedin: BethBanning
GoodReads: Interviewed by God
Amazon HERE
Beth Banning is a best-selling author, inspirational speaker, and spiritual catalyst who lives in California with her husband, their cat, and their six pound poodle. She was born in New York City and from a very young age could sense the feelings of people around her, felt kundalini energy running through her body, and experienced other unusual events that she didn't understand. The well-meaning adults in her life told her she was depressed and that these experiences were just her imagination. Growing up in this cloud of ignorance and disbelief, these gifts were buried and unable to flourish and so she was left confused and lonely.
As a young adult she recognized the same sense of confusion and loneliness in others and became passionate about helping people better understand themselves and those around them. Later in life she took this passion into her work with her husband Neill and co-founded Focused Attention, Inc. She has written numerous books, co-created the Pathway to Personal Freedom, and the Art of Conscious Connection Seminar Series.
After many years of integrating this consciousness shifting work into her own life and teaching it to others, she experienced a profound reconnection with God that turned her life upside down. This radically changed the way she perceives the world and functions in it. Beth now lives her life guided by her inner source of divine wisdom. She is committed to helping others discover this for themselves and fully experience the essence of who they truly are.
Author Links -
Website: www.BethBanning.com
Blog: bethbanning.com/blog
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BethBanning
Twitter: @BethBanning
Pinterest: bethbbanning
Linkedin: BethBanning
GoodReads: Interviewed by God
Amazon HERE
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Monday, May 9, 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Friday, May 6, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016
COVER REVEAL ~ Till Life Do Us Part by Carmen Stefanescu
Solstice Publishing
Genre: A Paranormal Romance
9th June 2016
Heyer can hear voices of dead people. They whisper of their deaths, seek
comfort for those left behind, and occasionally even warn her about future
events. But when Barbara’s brother, Colin, is accused of murder, it will take
more than her gift to prove his innocence.
smitten with the handsome investigator, Detective Patrick Fischer, is a serious
complication given his assignment to her brother’s case. Barbara senses there
is something far deeper—and perhaps much older—than the surface attraction
between them. Could that be why she’s visited by a mysterious woman named Emma
in her dreams? Could past life regression tie all the seemingly unconnected
events together?
and Patrick must overcome heartache to find the truth to save Colin, and
perhaps themselves.

Teacher of English and German in her
native country and mother of two daughters, Carmen Stefanescu survived the grim
years of oppression, by escaping in a parallel world that of the books.
She has dreamed all her life to become a
writer, but many of the things she wrote during those years remained just
drawer projects. The fall of the Ceausescu’s regime in 1989 and the opening of
the country to the world meant a new beginning for her. She started publishing.
Several of her poems were successfully published in a collection of
Contemporary English Poems, Muse Whispers vol.1 and Muse Whispers vol.2 by
Midnight Edition Publication, in 2001 and 2002.
first novel, Shadows of the Past, was released in 2012 by Wild Child
Publishing, USA.
Carmen joined the volunteer
staff at Marketing For Romance Writers Author blog and is the coordinator of
#Thursday13 posts.
You can stalk the author here:
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Brian Turner and Michael Turner - November Keys - PROMO Blitz
Comedy / Fantasy
Date Published: October 2014
Funny, Compelling, Unusual
A Riveting book readers will find hard to put down.
American gangsters take a very active interest in a run down English football club located in a sleepy village called November Keys which boasts an unusual history.Their main purpose is to take advantage of the club’s geography for their own dubious and very illegal means.
However, they do not allow for some tenacious villagers and things that go bump in the night to try and flaw their plans.
Things come to a head when the football team, hampered by strange characters, bizarre rituals and a priceless ancient recipe, must play a match where failure could threaten mankind.
About the Authors
We are a father and son team. Perhaps a little unusual in the publishing world, however we would like to think our relationship has improved and not impeded our debut novel.
Outside of writing we do share similar interests, both being passionate football fans with a liking for a curry and a pint.
Both have many interests, which include charity work, poetry, music, film, cinema and quiz shows.
Whilst Brian is a published author it is Michael who has invented most of the amusing characters you are going to meet in November Keys. Both writers have spent pleasurable hours burning the midnight oil, endeavouring to portray these character’s personalities and eccentricities in a light hearted manner.
Coupled with an original plot with more twists than a sixties band we hope we have created a novel that is different and humorous, which will keep our readers, young and old alike, intrigued and entertained for many hours.
Contact Links
Purchase Links
Funny, Compelling, Unusual
A Riveting book readers will find hard to put down.
American gangsters take a very active interest in a run down English football club located in a sleepy village called November Keys which boasts an unusual history.Their main purpose is to take advantage of the club’s geography for their own dubious and very illegal means.
However, they do not allow for some tenacious villagers and things that go bump in the night to try and flaw their plans.
Things come to a head when the football team, hampered by strange characters, bizarre rituals and a priceless ancient recipe, must play a match where failure could threaten mankind.
Comedy / Fantasy
Date Published: October 2014
Contact Information
Website: www.novemberkeys.com
Twitter: @novemberkeys
Facebook: www.facebook.com/novemberkeys
Purchase Links AMAZON
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Tim Allen - Apocalypse Orphan - PROMO Blitz
Sci-Fi / Alternative History
Date Published: January 2016
Commander Orlando Iron Wolf is aboard the International Space Station when a blinking light on his computer console alerts him to a fast moving comet headed for a collision with planet Earth.
With no way to stop the impending doomsday, the world descends into panic and anarchy. Massive transport ships are built to colonize the moon, and evacuation of a chosen few begins.
After a shuttle mission to study the approaching comet goes awry, Wolf is forced into cryogenic deep sleep, and the onboard computer assumes control of the ship.
Wolf awakens 50,000 years later to a wildly different earth. Endowed with incredible strength, he finds himself caught in a war between primitive tribes, and his survival depends on Syn, an advanced computer intelligence who has fallen in love with him.
Will Wolf be able to help restore Earth to its past glory or is civilization doomed to fail?
About the Author
Tim Allen is a twenty seven year veteran Fire Captain for the City of Peoria (Illinois) Fire Department. His writing career began when he had to write a report about a fire incident and he was told to be more descriptive. In his next report, he was more descriptive and reflected about what he had seen and felt during the two minutes of hell. His superiors found no humor in this report and disciplined him. Once several other fire fighters read the report, they were intrigued with his writing and wanted to read more stories.
Allen caught the writing bug. He loves writing science fiction, but currently is working on a murder mystery entitled, "Tethered." With several novels in development, spanning everything from planetary colonization to aliens to time travel, he is also considering writing a few horror stories based on actual past events that have been well documented.
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Monday, May 2, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016
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