Monday, May 28, 2018

INCOGNOLIO by Michael Sussman

INCOGNOLIO by Michael Sussman Bewildered but lovable author, Muldoon, is trapped in the dreamlike narrative of his own surrealistic novel. Beginning with just a title—Incognolio—he enters a bizarre fictional realm that plunges him into an identity crisis of anguishing proportions. Is he writing a story in which his stillborn twin sister has come to life, or is he the one who died at birth and it’s his sister who’s writing the novel? Guided only by the whims and dictates of his subconscious mind, Muldoon must unravel the mystery of Incognolio and write his way to freedom or succumb to madness.  

Buy on Amazon

Abandoned by a cackle of laughing hyenas, Michael Sussman endured the drudgery and hardships of a Moldavian orphanage until fleeing with a traveling circus at the age of twelve. A promising career as a trapeze artist was cut short by a concussion that rendered him lame and mute. Sussman wandered the world, getting by on such odd jobs as pet-food tester, cheese sculptor, human scarecrow, and professional mourner while teaching himself the art of fiction. He now lives in Tahiti with Gauguin, an African Grey parrot.

Friday, May 25, 2018


Ever wondered about the personalities behind your favorite books? Victoria Danann's new podcast with Riley J. Ford has an incredible lineup of authors booked through the spring. No question is out of bounds. Check it out!
The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada where I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.
I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I'm getting the chance to follow that dream.
I am represented by Beth Phelan at The Bent Agency, NY.
Ever wondered about the personalities behind your favorite books? Victoria Danann's new podcast with Riley J. Ford has an incredible lineup of authors booked through the spring. No question is out of bounds. Check it out!
The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada where I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.
I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I'm getting the chance to follow that dream.
I am represented by Beth Phelan at The Bent Agency, NY.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


It's been such a wonderful week of release fun since The Anti-Cinderella debuted on May 15th. What better way to celebrate than with a real royal wedding! How nice of Harry and Meghan to schedule their big day when they did. I really appreciated the boost and the nod. Did you get your copy yet of the book yet?

iBooks/Amazon/Nook/ Kobo/Google/ Books2Read

You can read teasers right here and here. And you can check out the play list here!

What reviewers are saying . . .

"I enjoyed (it) that much that I read it in one sitting. Through the book I felt everything they were feeling, laughed with them and felt sad with them as well." "This story made me have all the "feels"." "The characters are strong and the story flows smoothly. This is the first book of the series and I will be watching for the next one." "The book has real emotion, characters with depth, humour, sadness, romance, love, supportive friends and family. I couldn't put it down." "With powerful, realistic emotions, sweet love, drama, humor and passion this is a pleasurable and entertaining read." "The book has real emotion, characters with depth, humor, sadness, supportive friends and family, romance, humor and love. I was thoroughly invested in the characters and could not put the book down once I started it." ***

More news!

I'm thrilled to share that this book is only the beginning of the fun! There will be two more installments in the main Anti-Cinderella story: The Anti-Cinderella Takes London and The Anti-Cinderella Conquers the World. You can preorder the London book exclusively on iBooks . The preorder will go live on Amazon, Nook, Kobo and Google in the fall. And if you want to see the amazing cover, it'll be revealed later this summer on my Temptress group.

The Anti-Cinderella Takes London

Falling in love with a prince wasn't something I planned . . . When I reconnected with the first guy I ever kissed, I never dreamed I'd end up moving to England to be closer to him. But Nicky and I are in love, and living together was the next logical step. If I thought dating royalty was a tough gig when I was living in the USA, I'm learning that it's even more challenging now that I'm in London. Every move I make, every word I say, is under the microscope. Becoming part of Nicky's family while staying true to who I am isn't easy. Nicky makes everything worthwhile. The hours when we're alone together are paradise. And if the press and the pressure are the price I have to pay for him . . . I'll choose Nicky, every single time. After all, London's just another town. Right? Tawdra Kandle writes romance, in just about all its forms. She loves unlikely pairings, strong women, sexy guys, hot love scenes and just enough conflict to make it interesting. Her books include young adult and new adult paranormal romance, new adult and adult contemporary romance and adult paramystery romance. She lives in central Florida with a husband, kids, sweet pup and too many cats. And yeah, she rocks purple hair. You can follow Tawdra on Amazon to receive updates on her releases. You can also visit her website for more information, and subscribe to her newsletter</ a> for sales announcement, special exclusive content and promotions! If you enjoy Tawdra's books, join the Naughty Temptresses!


  Lonely bride at one with their life problems

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Book 2 of The Twisted Love Series
Written by USA Today Bestselling Author Stacy Eaton
Co-Authored Series with Bestselling Author Amy Manemann

Friday, May 18, 2018


Genre: Time Travel Romance
Publisher: Books to Go Now

A man, from 2008, falls forty eight floors from a building in Seattle and wakes up in 1815 England.
A woman, in 1815 England, watches a bright star fall from the sky. She travels to the future, but can’t stay due to her lack of immunity to the 21st century diseases.

Michael Drury and Emma Wallace have fallen in love, but are torn between two worlds. He has family in the 21st century. She wants to stay with him, but continues to grow very ill, very fast.

Spanning almost 200 years, will their love be able to exist in the same time?

“Where am I?” Michael asked.

“This is Delancy Manor. We are an estate outside the village of Darlington in county Durham, England,” Mr. Delancy answered.

“What year is this?”

“1815, sir,” an older woman said from the foot of his bed.

“1815 is impossible. I was born in 1980 and working a construction job. It’s 2008.”

Lauren Marie’s first published Going to Another Place in 2013. With Books to Go, Now’s help the book has been re-edited.

She is also the author of The Haller Lake series - A Demon’s Scheme - Book 1 and Magicks Pathway - Book 2, Big Mike-Little, Golden Ribbons - story 4 of the Miss Demeanor Private Detective Agency series, I’m Not What You Think, Love’s Embers - book 1 of the Canon City Series, Love on Ice - book 2 of the Canon City Series, One Touch at Cob’s Bar and Grill - story 3 of the Montana Ranch Series, Love’s Touch - Then and Now, Going to Another Place.

She lives in Western Washington State with three cats, Agamemnon, Jericho and Jasper.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

SOLANGE RITCHIE signs FIRESTORM on SATURDAY, MAY 19 at 7p.m. #MurderOnTheBeachBooksoter

Solange Ritchie Signs Firestorm
Saturday, May 19 at 7 PM 
Despite the demands of a busy legal career, Solange Ritchie has achieved a successful writing career. Her debut thriller, The Burning Man, immediately garnered the attention of the media and fans. Solange serves on numerous charities and legal boards. She lives in South Florida.

FBI forensic pathologist Dr. Catherine Cat Powers and her young son, Joey, have been trying to cope with the emotional aftermath of life without Mark, Cat's ex-husband and Joey s father. Joey is especially vulnerable after his kidnapping by the Burning Man a year ago. But when a mysterious manila envelope arrives in Cat' s mailbox, a gift from a serial killer from Cat's past, she realizes that she and Joey may never be safe again. Signed: 15.99

Friday, May 11, 2018

DIANNA LOVE #romancebetweenthepagePODCAST

Ever wondered about the personalities behind your favorite books? Victoria Danann's new podcast with Riley J. Ford has an incredible lineup of authors booked through the spring. No question is out of bounds. Check it out!


New York Times bestseller Dianna Love once dangled over a hundred feet in the air to create unusual marketing projects for Fortune 500 companies. She now writes high-octane romantic thrillers, young adult and urban fantasy.

Look for her books in print, e-book and audio. On the rare occasions Dianna is out of her writing cave, she tours the country on her BMW motorcycle searching for new story locations. Dianna lives in the Atlanta, GA area with her husband who is a motorcycle instructor and with a tank full of unruly saltwater critters. or Join her Dianna Love Street Team on Facebook and get in on the fun!

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Mermaids can be cruel creatures. I couldn’t stop them from hurting her, but I couldn’t let them destroy her, no matter what they did to me. The moment I heard the bottom feeder had been chosen for the reckoning, my heart sank. Had I been discovered for what I truly was? Years of pretending I was just like everyone else could all have been for naught. But then I heard it was Verona, and my blood ran cold. Why was I surprised? I shouldn’t have been. I’d stood by and watched her ridiculed since we were younglings. I was never as brave or as unselfish as she was. But today, I would be. Free on Kindle Unlimited or $.99 on Amazon Mermaids can be cruel creatures. Verona is a bottom feeder. She is the one mer in her clan who is considered the ugliest and least intelligent. Growing up with the constant bullying and abuse wasn’t the worst of what her kind had in store for her. At seventeen years old, she must now endure “The Reckoning.” The scales will measure her worth to her clan. Will she endure thirty days as a land-walker to gather information and knowledge to appease her clan and return a valued member? Will she wait three years, until she is twenty, and find a mer of her kind to accept her and marry her? Or will she suffer exile for the rest of her life? Only $.99 on Amazon or Free on Kindle Unlimited  



“Beautiful Inside and Out” is a collection of 10 moral stories. As the title suggests, the stories make the children believe that they are unique and beautiful just the way they are. They do not need to change themselves according to the likeness of other people.

The fantasy stories teach them the importance of standing up for themselves. Each of the stories is based in fantasy lands, as magnificent as they can be, with hidden meanings behind every action of the protagonists which are revealed as the stories proceed. The book is assigned chronologically, with colorful illustrations which are attractive and eye-catchy. Beautiful Inside and Out is a complete children’s book with the genre--fantasy and fiction. Each story has a different lesson to teach. They are based on different subjects, like color discrimination, mannerisms, bullying, sharing, animosity, self-confidence, respecting parents, prejudice, religion, love, and simplicity. The stories remain very unconventional, modern, distinctive and groundbreaking, with characters ranging from kings, princes, princesses, town girls and boys.
1.       How long have you been writing?
My grandfather always encouraged me to write and I was taking major interest in creative writing since 2011. Later I began writing professionally for different media in 2016. I debuted as an author in 2017.
2.       Why Children’s books? Do you write any other genre? 
I discovered I had so much to give to children. I couldn’t connect with writing romance, sci-fi, or other genres. I also write poetry for teenagers and adults.
3.       What are your goals as a children’s author?
I want to pen down as many stories as I can. I want my stories to reach to a child living in the most remote town as well. My goal is to be global and make the stories available for every child for them to grow and learn more every day.
4.       Where can people find your books?
The books are available on amazon websites of their respective country, Barnes & Noble, and kobo. provides all the easy links.

The author’s style is both formal and informal. It closely connects to the intended audience with unabridged metaphors and picturesque imagery. The language of the author is not only understandable, but also provides more scope for young children to learn new words, phrases and meanings. The stories are convincing, and realistic. They do not seem fictitious and easily fit in today’s world.

The most impacting lines from the book are quoted as, I understood that some things take time, but when we work towards it diligently, it’s unobstructed. Win it or lose it, don’t forget to try hard until you fetch it.”

Author Bio

Harsha Sheelam always had the passion for writing. In the year 2016, she practiced writing more extensively. This led to her recognition in newspapers, magazines, blogs, and digital content. She possesses versatility in writing stories, debatable topics, politics, social, fashion, entertainment, reviews, fashion and lifestyle. Today she is a children’ book author, she debuted in 2017 with the book ‘Beautiful Inside and Out’ which is a collection of short stories. She launched it with the aim of empowering young girls and boys. She has the dedication to her craft which makes the children believe that they are beautiful inside and out. Same year her juvenile fiction novel, ‘Good Exists in all that Exists’ released. As the title suggests, the book is based around the theme of ‘good overpowering the bad’.  There is a hidden meaning  for every action. The book does not fail to enhance the enchanted experience of the reader.

Beginning of a new year, in 2018 ‘The House of Terry Atterberry’ made it to book-selling portals. Terry’s tales champion hard work, perseverance, honesty and compassion. The riches that kids gain through this book are overcoming fear, not undermining people, understanding no one is perfect, knowing your true friends, and more. The book is a collection of 15 inspiring fables from the life of a fictional character.

Today, 3 books old, and anticipating more, this is Harsha Sheelam for you.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow Reincarnation & Past Life Regression Case


Police Captain Robert Snow describes how he went from a skeptic to a believer in reincarnation after he went for a past life regression on a dare. Captain Snow tells his story in an very humorous and entertaining way that will make you laugh. Snow gives one of the best descriptions of what it is like to experience a past life regression available on video and it is well worth the time to view the video in its entirely. The viewer will be drawn in from the start.

Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow Reincarnation & Past Life Regression Case


Police Captain Robert Snow describes how he went from a skeptic to a believer in reincarnation after he went for a past life regression on a dare. Captain Snow tells his story in an very humorous and entertaining way that will make you laugh. Snow gives one of the best descriptions of what it is like to experience a past life regression available on video and it is well worth the time to view the video in its entirely. The viewer will be drawn in from the start.

Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow Reincarnation & Past Life Regression Case


Police Captain Robert Snow describes how he went from a skeptic to a believer in reincarnation after he went for a past life regression on a dare. Captain Snow tells his story in an very humorous and entertaining way that will make you laugh. Snow gives one of the best descriptions of what it is like to experience a past life regression available on video and it is well worth the time to view the video in its entirely. The viewer will be drawn in from the start.

The Mercenary Sale Blast

SciFi Romance, Space Opera
Date Published: August 25, 2017
On Sale for $0.99 for the Blast!

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She's a prisoner of the Imperial Forces. He's a nomad with a mercenary army. Can her desperate gamble and a fierce warrior's love turn the tide of war and rewrite the destiny of their corner of the galaxy?

In a distant corner of the galaxy, Quadrant Five burns in the flames of a deadly war. The Budheya people are one of the worst affected.

Imprisoned by the Ketaari Imperial Forces, a young Budheya rebel is sent to a distant space station to work in an alehouse. For a girl who has known only hardship in her short life, things could be worse. Until an old foe walks into the alehouse.

Zoran is Hadari'Kor - notoriously fierce mercenaries who only fight for hire. Drawn to a weary-eyed server girl, Zoran is forced to confront age-old traditions and question his role in the war.

The Rebel & The Mercenary
Alone, friendless and far from home, Saakshi makes a desperate gamble to trust an enigmatic stranger whose hot gaze haunts her dreams. The echoes of this unlikely alliance reverberate across the quadrant. As a relentless enemy hunts Saakshi, Zoran must fight with everything in his arsenal to protect her. When passion ignites amidst the embers of a smoldering war, will a warrior's quest for justice bring a mighty Empire to its knees ...

Author's Note : A spirited and resilient girl, a fierce warrior with a mighty heart, a fiery passion that flares amidst the debris of a deadly war and a love that will alter the fate of an entire quadrant.
This is a standalone story that sets the scene for The War Chronicles - a collection of futuristic SciFi Romance & Space Opera tales with passionate love stories and swashbuckling adventure.

The book has been nominated for Ind’Tale Magazine’s 2018 RONE Award in the Sci-Fi/Time Travel category.


The Unta-Golar clipped away the device before sauntering over unhurriedly to stare down at Saakshi, on her knees on the station’s dirt-crusted floor. She raised pain-filled eyes to the Ketaari officer, unwilling to cower before him. He flashed her a cruel smile before swinging a meaty fist at her. Saakshi closed her eyes in defeat, her pain-wracked body unable to garner the strength to move itself clear of the inevitable blow.

The blow never landed. Instead, Saakshi heard the distinct sounds of a scuffle, followed by some heavy blows. When she dared to open her eyes moments later, the Unta-Golar lay in an awkward tangle in a corner of the alley, caged in by two adjoining walls and the massive body of the Hadari’Kor Captain. The Hadari’Kor male leaned threateningly over the Ketaari Unta-Golar, whose stocky body cowered back against the wall. The Ketaari male’s legs lay sprawled out, one heel drumming uncontrollably on the floor in distress. One of his arms lay bent at an unnatural angle, and pale blue blood seeped sluggishly from cuts to his forehead ridges and the corner of his mouth. His eyes stared wildly up at the Captain, while his good arm alternated between pounding ineffectually on the Captain’s shoulder and trying to claw away the large hand that squeezed his throat inexorably. The Captain had crowded the other male into a corner to brace himself against the wall with one hand, while his other hand, wrapped around the Unta-Golar’s throat, throttled him slowly.

That this entire scene was enacted in complete silence by participants and spectators alike made it seem almost surreal to the Budheya girl watching it play out dispassionately. Saakshi allowed herself to slowly slide down to rest on her bottom, splaying out her legs before her with palms braced against the floor to support her weight. She leaned back comfortably on her hands, content to watch the unfolding show.

Thank the Pura, he came. Better late than never, I guess.

From her position, she could clearly see every expression reflected on the Unta-Golar’s face, but not the Captain’s, whose back faced her.

“This is for using the pain implant, Ketaari murtobak” the Captain bit out in sudden fury, his words breaking the silence in the narrow alley.

He flicked off the fist pounding on his shoulder with a casual shrug as he stared down at the Unta-Golar.

“If you ever touch her again, I will personally break every bone in your body. Are we clear?” the coldly furious voice demanded of the Ketaari.

The Ketaari male stared back at him with vicious eyes, his expression uncowed. The Captain casually exerted a little more pressure around the Unta-Golar’s windpipe, and the Ketaari’s legs went limp, his face turning bloodless and pale.

“Are we clear?” the Captain repeated, more softly this time.

The Ketaari nodded, his pale eyes a tad unfocussed, though the expression on his face promised retribution. The Captain finally let go of his punishing hold on the other male’s throat, to leave the Ketaari limp and panting on the floor. The Hadari’Kor male sprang to his feet fluidly, turning his back on the male gasping for breath at his feet to stride over to Saakshi. For a moment, he gazed down at her in silence. An emotion she’d be hard-pressed to identify flashed though the tightly leashed fury on his face. The black eyes glittered with anger and something akin to regret.

“Are you hurt?” he asked gruffly.

Saakshi shook her head mutely.

“The pain implant?” he inquired, the black eyes holding her captive.

“The effect has worn off” she responded calmly.

“Come” he commanded, holding out his hand imperiously to her.

Saakshi retrieved the piece of control panel she’d used on the Ketaari to tuck it back in its usual hiding place in her boot. The black eyes watched her silently, the palm still held out to her. She allowed him to pull her up and steer her through the small crowd of spectators, a large palm at the small of her back guiding her.

They walked in silence towards his ship, stopping just once to attach the suppressor device to her bracelet to enable her to bypass the station’s exit sensors. Once they were alone in the shuttle and on their way to his docked ship, he turned to face her.

“I apologize for being late. It will not happen again.”

Her eyes snapped up to meet the regret in those dark eyes. Saakshi nodded to acknowledge his apology.

“You fight pretty well for a tiny female” he remarked approvingly after a short silence.

She managed a wan smile at the double-edged compliment.

“Who taught you …” he paused, before stating the obvious. “The rebels?”

She nodded mutely again.

“How much did you see?” she asked him.

“Enough” he gritted out, his teeth clenching.

“Didn’t they teach you when to run?” he inquired softly after a short pause.

“I was getting ready to, but he blindsided me with the pain implant.”

The Captain hit the shuttle wall with his open palm, cursing fluently and with ease in a variety of different languages.

“Son of a swine” she interjected, not wanting to be left out of the cursing party.

After an instant of stunned astonishment, his expression lightened.

“No doubt” he agreed, his dark eyes filling with soft laughter.

“Ketaari murtobak” she offered next, showing off the single word in his language she knew. She’d learnt it by paying attention to his cuss words, the ones she could decipher anyway.

“Absolutely” he gasped out, bursting into unfettered laughter. The effect was to make him look years younger without the serious and unapproachable mien he usually radiated.

“What does it mean?” she asked him, her eyes observing the laughter on his face.

“Unknown paternity” he responded, his face still lit up with amusement.

An avid reader all her life, only recently has Petra allowed her own imagination to run riot. She loves to travel, loves the outdoors and reads everything she can get her hands on, time permitting. Her taste in books is very eclectic – she tends to like stories with vivid and quirky characters that have elements of fantasy, adventure, romance and mystery interspersed together. A good book for her is one that makes the reader think long after it has been finished and set aside. And one that draws the reader back to it, again and again. To share the characters and tales that have lived in her imagination for so long is a labor of love and a lifelong dream come true for her.

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Purchase Link

On Sale for $0.99 for the Blast!

The book has been nominated for Ind’Tale Magazine’s 2018 RONE Award in the Sci-Fi/Time Travel category.

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ONCE UPON A TIME .... by A.L. Simpson

by A.L. Simpson