- Where were you born/grew up at?
Born and raised in Scottsdale, AZ
- What are you passionate about these days?
I am passionate about many things such as lacrosse and
writing, but lately, I am most passionate about finishing my sequel which is
due out this fall!
What do you do to unwind and relax? Hang out with friends,
watch tv, play lacrosse, and listen to music.
- Do you have a favorite movie?
I definitely have a favorite movie but my top three movies
based on their creativity are: #1 Deadpool 2, #2 Inception, and #3 Interstellar
- What can we expect from you in the future?
Writing over the last few years and thinking about my books,
I have gathered several book ideas. When I have the time in the future, I hope
to have another book or series again, within the science fiction genre.
- If your book was made into a film, who would you like to
play the lead?
The main character, John, the protagonist, is a difficult
casting call. I definitely have ideas for the remaining cast, however. Chase,
John’s sidekick, could be played by Jack Dozer or Asher Angel. Hazel can be
played by Millie Bobby Brown. Crofar, the antagonist, could be played by Alex
- What did you edit out of this book?
The final chapter, hence the sequel! The edited out chapter
which has never been seen by anyone will be available for free by those that
read The Uncontrolled and tag me on their social media account.
- Pen or type writer or computer?
I use my laptop with an accompanying monitor which allows me
to view several documents at once. This is useful if I need to research a topic
for my book.
- Do you believe in writer’s block?
Yes, most writers experience writer’s block where they feel
unmotivated to write. When this happens to me, I look to other creative projects
such as film or tv. This also lends itself to the necessity to read other
genres as it will help you with your own.

Can't Save You From Robotic Smiles
Zachary Astrowsky
YA Cyberpunk SciFi
Devices, Mind Control, and Visions of the Future
action-packed adventure set against the loss of free
will that comes from a mind control serum.
robotic way people smile is John's first inclination that things are
not quite as they seem in Amber City.
the age of fourteen, everyone is "vaccinated" with a
biological implant that makes people controllable. John is supposed
to get his shot the very next day, until he and his parents find out
about the mind-controlling chip requiring his family to devise a plan
to put a stop to this once and for all, but things don't go exactly
as planned.
with his friend Chase, and an irrepressible girl named Hazel, the
three of them find themselves in the world of the controlled, where
they must try to escape the notice of this powerful society and its
leader, Crofar. As the trio of teenagers attempt to defeat Crofar on
their own, they stumble upon the Renegades, a formidable group of
"the uncontrolled," led by Maximus.
forming an alliance with the teenagers, the numbers are not in their
favor, and the uncontrolled are barely holding their own. Until that
is, they realize they have a secret weapon. John starts to have
regular visions of the future, which can change in interesting ways
when certain variables are adjusted.
John has visions they can use to win the war against Crofar, things
become complicated because Crofar has visions too. With two
adversaries who can see the future, only one can outsmart the
Uncontrolled is an adventurous, sci-fi book written by award-winning
teen author Zachary Astrowsky.
Publishing Readers Choice Awards Winner 2018, MG/YA Category
Dragonfly Book Award Winner, Honorable Mention, June 2018
Dragonfly Book Award 2nd Place Winner, November 2018
Monsters Approved
all began on a trip to NYC when I was five. I couldn't read yet,
but I wanted to understand every sign and billboard I saw. I
began putting letters together and for my birthday a few months
later, I was requesting the fourth book in the Harry Potter
series. Reading allowed my mind to explore and create
stories, and as a young child I began filling them with colorful
characters and sharing them with anyone and everyone who would
listen. Since then, I’ve progressed quite a bit to formulating
longer and more complex stories and eventually completing my first
novel, The Uncontrolled.
the tour HERE
for special content and a giveaway!
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