Anna Denisch
Alternate Historical LGBTQ Romance
heart-warming and entertaining poly romance story about marriage
bonds, friendship, and the endless supply of love we all carry in our
According to the
rumors, Ainsley is a prostitute. To escape the meddling ways of their
families, Ainsley and his husband Graham move to a new town where
they hope to find peace. Ainsley spends his days worrying if Graham's
decision to marry him was the right one, and he is devoted to giving
Graham the life he deserves.
Croften has never been one to settle down, despite how desperately he
seeks companionship. His romantic life is a series of half-flung
flings that earned him the title of 'home wrecker' and his
professional life is haunted by his long-term bully. But when he
visits his friends' party and meets the charming and adorable
Ainsley, he devises a plan to steal him away from his husband.
Croften finds himself drawing closer to Graham as well, especially as
Graham's brother and Croften's bully are intent on causing chaos in
their lives. Perhaps three heads (or rather hearts) are better than
Denisch was born and raised just outside of Baltimore City, but she
has never called it home. When not traveling around the world or
daydreaming about dragons, she spends her time looking at books she
wants to read without actually touching them. She received her M.F.A
in Creative and Professional Writing from Western Connecticut State
University and considers daily if she is just insane enough to take
her family’s sometime suggestion of getting a PhD.
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Thanks for another wonderful post. I would love to read this.