Friday, May 10, 2024

A Coat of Many Colors by Roy Schreiber 


 Putting Jewish Characters on Stage


Date Published: February 1, 2024


Showing diversity is the best way to undermine the negative stereotyping of Jewish people. The five plays in this book illustrate why stereotypes of any description don't work.

In Shylock Revisited, the main character won't give up his efforts to make the merchant of Venice, Antonio, pay what he owes. In "Good Deeds" a screen writer, Salka Viertel, pays the price for helping Nazi era Jewish artists escape from Europe.

Harry Houdini takes on a reluctant con woman in Margery Meets Harry. Educating Henry Adams has the queen of Tahiti convince the U.S. historian, Henry Adams, to help her write a family history that leaves out her Jewish heritage. And finally, in The Optimist, a Jewish college professor discovers that the world goes beyond the logical solutions he thinks will solve all problems.


About the Author

Roy Schreiber started out as a history professor and switched to play writing. At one time he was a member of both the American Historical Society and the British Royal Historical Society. Currently he belongs to the Dramatists Guild and is a Network Playwright with Chicago Dramatists. For several years he has been a reader/evaluator for the Jewish Plays Project.


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