Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prelude and Fuge by Laura Haley-McNeil


Olivia St. Claire accomplishes her dream to become a pianist, but didn’t count on falling in love with the man she can never have.

Prelude and Fugue wattpad link: http://wattpad.com/LauraMcNeil

Laura Haley-McNeil has studied piano, violin, organ and ballet. She has served on the boards of two community orchestras. She currently lives in Colorado with her husband.

1)            Can you tell us a little about Your Book(s) without giving away too many spoilers and what inspired you to write it?   Prelude and Fugue is about Olivia St. Claire who once had a dream to become a pianist. Now she unburies that dream, but with the dream comes Liam Wallace, the married man she can never have. I wrote this book because I hear so often, “If only I had done. . .” So I created a character who said the same thing and realized she still had an opportunity to not only say what might have been but to reach out and accomplish something, though not without the pain and pitfalls that occur when we reach beyond our comfort zones.
2)            Which character do you like the most? Why? I like Olivia St. Claire, the main character. She says and does what she wants when she wants to, which I am afraid to do. She usually says things that get her into trouble but she accepts that as her lot in life and keeps pushing ahead.
3)            When did you know you wanted to be a writer?  I have written stories since I knew how to pick up a pencil. I shared a room with my sister and I told her stories. I guess you could say that I love to make things up.
4)            Are there any new authors that currently interest you? Kate Morton, an Australian author, is my current favorite. The House at Riverton was fascinating. It’s three stories that merge at the end and it’s a great mystery that isn’t solved for the characters but is for the readers.
5)            What kind of research did you do for this book? I’m at an advantage because my husband and I are both classically trained pianists and most of our friends our serious musicians. Whenever we attend a concert or meet with friends, I keep track of what everyone is doing, the composers, the violinists, the conductors, and think of ways to incorporate their way of life into a book. To me it’s an intriguing background that few people know about. I hope you agree.
6)            What's a typical working day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you set a daily writing goal? I try to start writing as soon as I get home from work. My goal is at least three pages a day. Some days are more productive than others. I set up a corner in the family room because the sofa is more comfortable than an office chair. I pull my laptop into my lap. I try to read a little before I start to write because that inspires me.
7)            What is the hardest part of writing for you? Because I have a day job, I’m usually tired when I get home and I’d rather surf the net than write, but then I start thinking about where I left off during my previous writing session and think that I need to keep writing and eventually the story starts to pester me and so I start to write.
8)            What are you working on now? My current book is called Rhapsody in Blood, which is a murder mystery. The main character is Vanessa Sterling, a famous concert pianist with a terrible secret that she thought she buried long ago. Now someone else knows her secret, someone who will stop at nothing to destroy her.

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